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How to Overcome stage Fear ?

How to get rid of stage Fear ? Every time we go to the stage, We start feeling spine chilling sensation. We get almost paralyzed , Our body freezes and we start stammering. Then suddenly the fear of being judged seizes us. We fall short of words as well , and trust me it is damn unpleasant feeling. If any of the feelings is experienced by you , then you are the victim of stage fear and today's article is dedicated to all of you. Before I talk about "how to get rid of stage fear" . I would like to tell what most people think when they get on the stage or encounter public/ Crowd. First thing that strikes  in their mind is " What if"  that becomes broad soon . They keep thinking of many Questions such as Q- 1. What if I make any mistake ? Q -2. What if People laugh at me ? Q- 3. What if I can't make good impression? These Negative thoughts leave you depressed and somewhere it blocks your brain that leads you to permanent pessimism. Everytime y
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Five Daily used phrases

Five daily used phrases We come across such phrases , that leave  us dumbfounded and clueless. Today I have come up with five daily used phrases that are used on day to day conversation. So without further ado let's Get started. 1. Take something back ( वापस करना) "Take something back"  means to return some product or object that turns out to be broken Or defective, something that doesn't work. For example  👉 The other day I bought a mobile , but it was not functioning well. So I took it back to retailer. 2. To split something ( भागो में बांटना) "To split something" means to divide or separate something into some parts. For example 👉 We are four , so split this pizza in four parts. 👉 Split this chocolate and share with your brother. 3. To have sweet tooth (मीठा पसंद करना) "To have sweet tooth"  means to like sweets. For example 👉 He adores eating cake, because he has sweet tooth. See also:- Be use

Use of " be used to" in detail.

Used to -  आदत है या आदि है। "Used to" is used for habit ( आदत) Rule :- Subject + is / am/ are +used to +v4/ noun + object. Note :- "Used to" is always followed by ( Verb+ing / Noun ) उसे झूट बोलने की आदत है। He is used to speaking lie. मुझे गाली देने की आदत नही है। I am not used to abusing. क्या तुम्हें पिटने की आदत है? Are you used to being beaten ?  मुझे दिल्ली की गर्मी की आदत है। I am used to Delhi's heat. मुझे तुम्हारी आदत सी हो गयी है। I am used to you. उसे दादागिरी दिखाने की आदत है। He is used to bullying. मुझे अपने वादे से मुकरने की आदत नही है। I am not used to back out on my promises. क्या उसे रात में खर्राटे लेने की आदत है ? Is he used to snoring at night? मुझे तेरी तरह नकल मारने की आदत नही है। I am not used to cheating like you. क्या तुम्हें इस फ़ोन की आदत है? Are you used to this phone? तुझे तो नखरे दिखाने की आदत है। You are used to showing tantrums. लोगो के भावनाओ से खेलना उसकी आदत है। He is used to

21st Century English

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Positive personality vocabularies

Positive personality vocabularies Many English learners  find it difficult to define " positive personality " . So today's lesson is about all the positive personality vocabularies . So here we go👇👇👇👇 A bubbly personality  - one who loves to talk and loves to laugh and always think positive A ray of sunshine  - One who makes other people happy Classy  - Elegant and stylish Watch this also :- Daily used vocabs Charming  —One who has a “magic” effect that makes people like him. Polite  — One who is good at saying “please,” “thank you,” etc. Gregarious  — One who likes being with other people and very sociable Understanding  —  he understands other people’s problems well. Diplomatic  — One who  is very good at trying to help people see both sides of a situation. Impartial  — One who doesn’t support just one side rather he supports both sides. Straight-forward  — One who is direct and honest. Generous  — One who  likes giving things to pe

Daily used Proverbs and Idioms

Proverbs and Idioms घर का   भेदी   लंका   ढाहे । A   black sheep  / an insider causes the maximum damage. दूध   का   जला   छाछ   (  मट्ठा  )   फूँक  -  फूँक   कर   पीता   हैं । A   burnt   child   dreads   the   fire. आज   का   काम   कल   पर   नहीं   छोड़ना   चाहिये।(काल   करे   सो   आज   कर   ,    आज   करे   सो   अब ) Act   today   only,   tomorrow is   too   late. शब्दों   की   अपेक्षा   कर्म   का   अधिक   प्रभाव   होता   है। Actions   speak   louder   than   words. ऊँट   के   मुँह   में   जीरा। A   drop   in   the   Ocean. डूबते   को   तिनके   का   सहारा। A   drowning man catches at a   straw. समय   पर   काम   आने   वाला   ही   सच्चा   मित्र   होता   है। A   friend   in   need   is   a   friend   indeed. Sweep before your own door.  दुसरे के फटे में पांव नहीं देते | east or west, home is the best. अपने घर जैसा सुख कहीं भी नहीं | Even walls have ears. दीवार के भी कान होते हैं |  It is a far cry. – अभी दिल्ली दूर है | Wisdom is better than str