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21st Century English

What is "21st Century English" ?

You must be wondering that you have heard of " English" often. But what is "21st Century English"?.🤔
Well, "21st Century English" means trendy , modern and updated english. It has nothing to do with old , boring, and outdated English. An english that is spoken on day to day lives. I hope it makes sense to you .

By Now you must have got that "21st Century English" has to do with modern English. I had the same thought when I started my institution with this name.
Yup , you got me right my institute name is "21st Century English" ,where we teach modern English with fun and lots of entertainment. We avoid grammar drills , boring translation and taking test.

We use 80% English and 20%  Hindi (Native language) in the classroom so that input remains comprehensible . .

21st Century English

 We listen to audios and watch many videos that are brain friendly because listening plays a major role for any language. We stay in touch with all our students and solve any query they have.

We even organise get together class on every sunday where we work on removing hesitation.


Avi Pandey

                           ( English Trainer )

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